Page 07

At this time ( spring 2008 ) I give my lawyer instructions, she counters that if I don't like the way I am handling the file I should go else where.

This is an attitude I found with all of my lawyers, none of them followed instructions, I also learned that the legal community here is tightly knitted , the intake on the next lawyer wants a huge deposit - like $7500 , $5000 of which they would burn up supposedly reading my every growing file, none of my lawyers could even name my children.

In spring 2008 JEP then filed an abuse affidavit, that I left the children home alone, that I may have sexually abused them , that I am alienating the children against her.

click here to view Alberta Justice initial response

JEP's lawyer files a motion in provincial court with the affidavit attached , see that's the wrong court - we are in Federal Court ,  but the motion is stamped and JEP's lawyer then fax's it to Children's Services. 

In august 2008 I took my work holidays and the children and I were almost ready to enjoy our first holiday when I was summoned to Children's Services , so we had to cancel our plans , they did an investigation on the mothers accusations based on a document full of lies filed in a court that had no jurisdiction.

In my meeting with Children's Services the lady director brag's up JEP having taken a course - I pull out of my folder a certificate that JEP took a parenting class before she brutally attacked the children.

The director tells me in her thick Jamaican accent "SHUT UP!  A MOTHER HAS A RIGHT TO BE WITH HER CHILDREN" ... 

The above is something I will hear several more times from the 18+ women working on my file, I also learned that unless I was absolutely quiet these professionals got p1ssed and told me what they really thought.